The AIR OPTIX® family of breathable* contact lenses lets you focus on your life, not your contact lenses. They provide clear vision and consistent comfort. Plus, the monthly replacement schedule is easy to remember.
Air Optix® Plus Hydraglyde Long-lasting lens surface moisture |
Air Optix® Aqua Comfort all month long
Air Optix® for Astigmatism Comfortable, clear vision for astigmatism |
Air Optix® Aqua Multifocal Comfort and clear vision, near through far, for presbyopia |
Air Optix® Night & Day® Aqua Up to 30 continuous days and nights of comfortable wear |
Air Optix® Colors Naturally beautiful eye color with consistently comfortable lenses |
Doctors Hours:
Our doctor is available to see patients by appointment on Monday afternoons and all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays.